Sunday, April 30, 2006

I think it's funny.

Blog saya dalam Bahasa Melayu. Lucu yang teramat.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Isn't She Lovely?

Oooh yess...a very Happy Belated Birthday to the ever so beautiful Miss Azferina Anuar!! She recently turned 24 on the 31st of March. May u have a happy and prosperous life ahead of you! Whatever it is, I'm proud of you. ;)

On the horns of a dilemma.

Yeah I know. This is long overdue. Sorry for the long stall. In case u hadn't notice, I am stuck with Gilligan in this tiny lil island. Anyhoo, i'm gonna spare u the boring details of my routine in Langkawi. Life aint exactly peachy around here. The only joy i have is smoking dirt cheap ciggies which i think has already shorten my life-span to 10 years. I'm like a chimney. Just name a brand, ive smoked them all.

Like i said, life aint peachy. They treat u like prisoners, they train u as if ure fighting for your country. They put u in a black hole when ure bad...(disregard the last part hehe). Nevertheless, im still cool. The only thing ive been deprived of is the broadband connection, which i think is the bane of my existence. All they have is a run-down internet cafe wit them' mini monitors with ancient processors and a friggin' dialup network connection. Peachy aint it? Still not complaining...

I have Barney (the Simpson's character not the purple dinosaur mind u) for a roommate who only limits his speech to 5 words per day (excluding his grunts). My only source of entertainment is my mp3 player and many rounds of 'chor tai tee'. Ive been nicknamed 'Capt. Frodo' and 'Uncle' for obvious reasons. The kids here use aviation/radio telephony jargons in their daily conversations and humor which makes them 'supercool'. Basically their world revolves around aeroplanes, airliners and who makes more money than whom. It's cool to be passionate in what ure doing, master ur trade, but these ppl are borderline obsessed. Even the sight of an Airbus 320 wud give them an instant orgasm. I mean even the wallpaper on their laptops are pictures of aircrafts and cockpits. To me, a cockpit is still a cockpit, and an aeroplane is still an aeroplane. They fly, regardless of how many or what kind of engines are fitted in an aircraft, they still apply the same rule of physics. Thrust, drag, lift, weight (ececece..tunjuk pandai hahaha). The kids here can be pompous most of the time, each trying to outdo one's knowledge on the aviation industry. As far as im concerned, not crashing a plane and doing well with my ground studies, well that's just fine by me. But I cant really blame them. They're at that infant stage of adulthood which most of us experienced. The burning passion, high expectations in life and 'the hunger'. Unlike some of us old farts, the fire's starting to burn out and expectations are beginning to fade away. Still not complaining tho...

In the midst of all the chaos, I do long for a decent conversation with an adult who I can relate to. It gets lonely sometimes when you have no one to pour your heart to, but i guess that is the reason why i get so crazy when i was denied access to the internet. Connectibility. That is the only means of communication i have with my friends which by the way are scattered nicely all over the globe. I need to know that they're ok and everything's fine and dandy. What's going on with their lives? Just a small update wud make my day. I guess what i'm trying to say is that I really miss ya'll! It made me realise that I haf the best of friends in the to conclude this gibberish of an's just peachy in langkawi... :~(

Friday, April 28, 2006

Short message.

yeah so..i havent blogged in awhile. Langkawi's pretty hectic and the internet connection's really slow...but i'll be back in a flash...