Sunday, July 16, 2006

Stars Are Blind...indeed they are...

Somebody please bitch slap me! Is it just me or does anyone else find the new Paris Hilton single catchy..? Gilerrr...

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Here's a lil sumthin' sumthin' from Haz and Brenda's visit to Langkawi... A quick summary. The weather was terrible but the food expedition was awesome nonetheless... Hope u two lovebirds had a blast in Langkawi coz I did! Thanx again for visiting!

Haz's meal...i haf no idea wat's it called..nasi rendang kot..

Brenda's food...also no idea wat's it called..

The evening's piece de resistance..the creme brulee/brulet however u spell it..

The nauseating couple..

Shopping at some souvenir gift shop

Haz, Brenda and me by the Langkasuka Resort's poolside

Surfin' Langkawi

Beach Boys R Us

Something for the ladies...hehehe..and guys..hahhaaha

Saturday, July 01, 2006

We can keep chillin' like ice cream filling.

I was browsing thru my photo album and I came across a-not-so-old photo (i think it was taken circa '01) of myself, Abe, Fairul and Ezran performing at this gig in Putrajaya. The picture was quite awesomely taken actually, a bumview of us jamming whilst the crowd jumping and moshing to our music at the foreground. If I remembered correctly one the band who performed prior to our 15 mins stint was Seven-Collar-Tshirt (theyre huge in Malaysia now btw), but we won the crowd hands down. Most of the bands that day were putting the crowd to sleep but as we stepped onstage, Abe introduced us and I started playing the intro of American Hi-Fi's Flavor of The Week the crowd just went ballistic. Everyone sitted and those who were chillin' by the sides of the hall came running straight to the moshpit and started headbanging and bodysurfing. It was an unbelievable sight and an undescribable feeling.

Looking back, we werent really that good. I sang off-key for most of my bit, screwed up my solos almost every time and Abe keeps on forgetting his lyrics. Actually we sucked! But sumhow for sum mysterious inexplicable reason, we rocked the stage despite our minor hiccups. From high school proms to charity events, from a chinese new year party where we performed next to a longkang infront a bunch of middle-aged folks where we played 'Cemetery' (hehe.. how ironic) to various battle of the bands, from a live acoustic session on a LIVE radio broadcast to dingy clubs with sticky floors and the smell of puke at the corner of the room, we've been there and we've done that.

What Im trying to say is that we were a powerful unit back then. I mean we could have gone further with the music-stint without a single doubt. After a few gigs wit the band,we were a household name in MMU. Everyone who saw us live, thought we were awesome. It was not sumthing we actually work hard on, we hardly practised. I think due to the fact that we clicked so well on and offstage explains why the camaraderie was a pleasant surprise. The fact that we cudnt careless of how bad or terrible we sounded, that made us a very entertaining quartet to watch. The imperfections and mishaps on stage were the traits that made us stand-out from the rest. Come to think of it, we were more similar to a circus act than a rock band to be honest. hehehe...

That was 5 years ago. I miss the stage.