Thursday, December 28, 2006

Alyn & Teena

More pics coming up...

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Hingga Ke Akhirnya (lagu orang kahwin)

I was awaken to a sound of a lady's voice reciting al-fatihah this morning. The voice sounded fairly familiar. It gave me the hibby gibbies. I swear to god i thought i was dead as i opened my eyes and everything was pitch black. After realizing i was under the covers and it was my sister reciting the fatihah, I heaved a sigh of relief and did what i do best when faced with 'adversity'- sleep. I forgot that today's her majlis khatam quran. A lil overdramatic, i know. But it was freaky i kid u not.

Tomorrow's her big day. She's so gelabah she's been running up and down, in and out all day. She was acting peculiar, I caught her waxing her legs in my kitchen next to the stove. The sight of it was baffling and yet could boggle ones mind. I also noticed her speech rate has increased supersonicly and the pitch of her voice gradually ascending. Must be the anticipation of the wedding i figured.

Speaking of which, i think weddings are overrated. They could either make you or break you. Don't get me wrong, marriage to me is something sacred and beautiful. But then enters the wedding bit, and all hell breaks loose. I'd love to get married someday, but the wedding... I'm not too keen about. Too much drama for my liking. But each their own...

Anyway that's beside the point. My kak ngah's getting married tomorrow and i'm very happy for her. This is the final plot to your single life. The denouement to your neverending drama. The end of an era. haa..cuak cuak...hehe. No seriously, all jokes aside, i wish u all the happiness in the world. I love you and Selamat Pengantin Baru!