Tuesday, September 13, 2005

How to be a holy cow...

I just got back from a late night supper with Fairul. It's not one of those ordinary yum-cha session we usually have but this time it's a bit more fruitful. We reviewed over how the music videos in Malaysia has improved in the last couple of years and how to breakthrough within the industry. We thought about how do we get our music videos to be broadcasted. It's one thing to create an excellent video, but to establish a name in the industry that's a whole different story. See, I have this dream of becoming a super-famous director. But in order to do that, you need to establish contacts. In my case, I have none. Plus I lack the skills and tools needed to become one. However, I'm starting from scratch again.

The most recent project (it's for fucks tho) is finishing the Back to You video which yours truly is 100% involved in from producing, directing, acting and even up to editing it. Well with the assist of Adam's editing suite, I'm sure it'll be awesome. It's a huge task and I'm not getting paid doing it, but hell that's passion for you.

This is how I look when the light bulb's on

Anyway, back to the conversation I had with Fairul. In the midst of our very interesting discussion, Fairul came up with the idea of directing a music video for Love Me Butch. Since the vocalist is a friend of his and they're coming up with a brand new single, hell why not pitch some of our ideas to them. Besides I'm still unemployed and I do have a wholelotta free time in my hands. So there we were, brainstorming our way through the concept and ideas for the video. I'm hoping for it to turn out like the Radiohead video "Just". It's a feasible idea I tell ya'. Fuck it's gonna be great! And who knows from there, I might even come out with a script for a short film I have in mind. Insya-Allah. I can already envisage it. Ipeng, I want you to be my leading man, that's for sure. Kalau Abe ade sure lagi gempak! Tapi abe jadi crook la... MuahAhaHa (evil laugh)!!


Blogger faidz said...

takpe..bakat tuh penting

1:08 PM  

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