Sunday, October 23, 2005


Last night was quite a night. When I say 'quite a night' it usually means that I actually did something rather than sit at home and watch the idiot box while munching on koko crunch. After a lovely dinner at home, Viren called me up.He was on his break, so we decided to have a drink at Kayu with Adam. Caught the Man Utd vs Spurs and Arsenal vs Man City game simultaneuosly, how cool was that. If u havent been to Kayu Nasi Kandar in SS2, let me describe it for you. It has 4 plasma screens and 2-3 normal flatscreen TV. And also 2 decoders. HEBAT! Anyway, the game ended wit a draw. Fucking Jenas scored a lovely placed top corner freekick. There goes the championship this season. Plus with chelsea's winning streak, mmg takder harapan. Anyhoo, later that night we had a jamming session. It was with Fairul, Ez and Dan. Played some indon covers and a devastating cover of Fall Out Boy's Sugar We're Going Down. I filled in as the vocalist. cheh..rasa cam rockstar la plak... sigh..I miss Foolhardy. We're not that good of a band, but the 'camaraderie was still a pleasant surprise'. The fact the we gelled together not only as bestfriends, but as band members, couldnt get any better. I despise growing up...

Well to kill time, i nicked this from Izan's (she doesnt know me, but I'm an avid reader of her blog)

7 Things I Plan To Do Before I Die: (nih dah buat nih)

» Produce, write, direct and act in a feature film.
» Make a full-length album with Foolhardy and tour with the band.
» Open the Charbenic Soul Cafe.
» Learn how to swim.
» Catch a Manchester United game live at Old Trafford.
» Be Brooke Burke's fuck-buddy.
» Taubat. Then baru buat haji..

7 Things I Can Do:
» I can make a triple roll with my tongue...its wat I call the Triple Loopy Special..(only for the ladies)
» I used to play the guitar lefthanded..but thought it was the wrong way to play then switched to right
» moonwalk effortlessly...
» bicycle a dodgy kinda way..
» Drove/ride a chopper...yeap, I may have short legs, but ive manoeuvred a chopper.. a HARLEY DAVIDSON I might add...and when I was 10..
» Freestyle pantun. a rhymeless freestyle pantun...ask Ipeng and Abe..
» Do an impersonation of Eddie Vedder having a fit in the midst of singing "Last Kiss"...

7 Things I Cannot Do:
» Swim..thats on my 'to-do' list...
» I cant stand watching a badminton game and F1 race...I find it stupid, for no absolute reason.
» I cant cook for nuts..
» I cant have pets..I'm just not an animal lover..
» I cant seem to go to sleep before system's whacked
» Cursive handwriting. It's dumb i tell ya..
» Freestyle pantun. A rhymed freestyle pantun.

7 celebrity crushes:
» Brooke Burke
» Teri Hatcher (the lois n clark era)
» Jessica Alba
» Sarah Tan
» Suzanne Eyton
» Maria Sharapova
» Alicia Keys..

7 often repeated words/phrases:
» tuhla pasal...
» dudddeee...
» serious shit?
» fudgeeee...
» holy crap!
» cam sial..
» cool macha cool...

7 things that attract me to the opposite sex:
» Articulate!
» Personality.
» Killer body..yeap...a killer rack and a stinging ass.(im a man aint i)
» Independent..not the clingy sort..
» A great sense of humor
» Excellent taste in music...(RnB Soul preferably)
» Must converse well in English..writing i dun really care but is a bonus (cam nak apply ker ja la plak)
» Drop-dead gorgeous..(if u meet the above requirements, pleasant looking pun jadi la)


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