Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Just got back from sending Ipeng at KL Central. I had to wake up like wayyy early just to make sure he doesn't miss his flight AGAIN..hehehe...well actually it was 10.30am..hey wat can I do..I sleep during the day! Anyway, tried to get sum shut eye but the fucking racket my next door neighbour's making is really pissing me off. They've been drilling since 9am, wat the hell! I cant even watch my fourth season of Scrubs peacefully. Bloody chinks..

Back to the Ipeng story, the past week has been a blast! It was a hell of a week, with the berbuka puasa sessions, the pasar ramadhan tour, the uptown market tour and the Scrubs and Family Guy marathon. And not forgetting the bitching sessions! Ahh..bliss..hehehe..I think Ipeng had a REALLY great time here. He'd better!! I introduced him to Lily my high school friend who coincidently is from Sabah as well. All hell breaks loose when they start talking..with their gibberish Sabahan dialect and all...all I heard was "bah.. , sumpit.. , pokok kelapak.., and how it was tough raising monkeys and yada yada yada"...well sumthing along that line.. hahaha..and yes..the constant flirting between those two was nauseating! He is sooo into her..ngaku je la Peng! You're in denial! Siap buat date lagi tuh time raya...tak gitu peng? bertukar2 testimonial lagi...Ewwah!! See, I told ya' I was gonna make it up to you for the Rexona thingy!!

Oh I forgot to mention the dinner we had at San Francisco Steakhouse. Everyone was there, Azree, Faizal, Man, Fadzlee, Eda, Aizham, Zil, Karok, Kamal and Alia. Oh and Eda's friend Shikin..*wink*wink*...hehe.. The berbuka puasa buffet was short of amazing but good nonetheless. It was worth the 45 bucks plus I ate like a gluttonous pig. The lamb and the potato salad was so sedap I think I made 3 rounds just for that. And right after dinner we had our bowling tournament between Manchester United Supporters versus the rest of the world. And yesss...we kicked their ass!! Azree was on fire, so was I, and amazingly our captain marvel Kamal. ALia on the other hand was a surprise bonus to the team. she kicked serious ass!! Shouldve seen our celebrations. I slid, moonwalked and did the robot. It was a riot..we always were when we bowl. check out the pics..

"we're Italianos..where's-ah our food-ah."

the DJ boys. L-R : Man, Lee, Fai, Karok

The Gang.

He shoots, he strikes, he Scores!


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