Tuesday, September 27, 2005

80's Revival.

This is an artwork by a friend. It is actually 8 pics combined in 1, thanks to the technology of Photoshop. Brilliant. Anyhoo, I need a change of hairstyle. I've stuck to the same style for the past 2 years and its getting dull and mundane. Time for something radical. I reckon the style below :

I'm going for the MR.T look. The 80's back, yo! All i need now is to decorate myself with extensive bling blings, get a tan, steroids and include "i pity the fool..." in most of my sentences. I soooo Rock!!

Friday, September 23, 2005

Abundant of talent.

What the hell is happening to Malaysian music industry? A dude (well, half-dude i must say) like Daniel can qualify to the Malaysian Idol finals..what is wrong with our ppl? Have the voters gone bonkers? First Mawi now Danial? Rite now I'm in the midst of speedtyping this whilst watching the crappy rendition of American Idol. I aint saying his a bad singer, but his dictions are totally horrendous. They suck-ass bigtime. Showmanship macam konsert tadika, cakap english cam cina jual sayur...and ure gonna represent malaysia in World Idol...HELL NO!!!but seriously all the talents for the final 12 this season, arent up to par compared to lasts. I hope he doesnt win. pls god...

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


I was browsing thru my photo collection and look what I've found...

That's me on the far left with the long hair, Abe and his pony tail and our long lost buddy Azam. God I miss Azam. Haven't seen him for more than 2 years now. You see, Azam's a really good friend of mine. We're like brothers the 3 of us. After he left for Perth in 2003, he never came back. And as he eloquently puts it, "I ain't coming back." I can understand that. But you know wat Zam, if you're reading this, trust me I will come and visit you. I ain't got the dough' (that's my ghetto lingo yo) now dawg, but Imma be there, you hear! And we gon' break it down like it was back in the hood yo! It's gon' be of the chain nigga! I aint trippin' fo' sho! Ok. I'll stop. Oh wait..there's a bit more.. I'm out dawg, peace alif ba alif ba!! I'm done now. thanks.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Top ten list.

Top ten things to do before I take the long dirt-nap ;
  1. Produce, write, direct and act in a feature film.
  2. Make a cameo for Vivid.
  3. Make a full-length album with Foolhardy and tour with the band.
  4. Feature in a song with the likes of Daniel Johns, Dave Grohl and Thom Yorke.
  5. Open the Charbenic Soul Cafe.
  6. Be Brooke Burke's fuck-buddy.
  7. Go snowboarding.
  8. Learn how to swim.
  9. Catch a Manchester United game live at Old Trafford.
  10. Get rich or die tryin' (cheee...fiddy cent abis nih)

Top ten all-time favourite songs ;

  1. Tommorrow by silverchair.
  2. Lately by Jodeci.
  3. Everlong by Foo Fighters.
  4. Under The Bridge by Red Hot Chili Peppers.
  5. Stars by Simply Red
  6. Virtual Insanity by Jamiroquai.
  7. Pretty Brown Eyes by Mint Condition.
  8. High and Dry by Radiohead.
  9. Stellar by Incubus.
  10. Guess What by Foolhardy.

Top ten lagu semangat ;

  1. Foo Fighters - My Hero
  2. Fall Out Boy - Sugar We're Going Down
  3. Incubus - Privilege
  4. My Chemical Romance - I'm Not Ok
  5. Incubus - Megalomaniac
  6. Jimmy Eat World - Sweetness
  7. Foo Fighters - All My Life
  8. SR-71 - Right Now
  9. The Offspring - Want You Bad
  10. Rage Against The Machine - Bombtrack

Top ten Movies ;

  1. The Shawshank Redemption.
  2. Dogma.
  3. Jerry Maguire.
  4. Sleepers.
  5. Bandits.
  6. Old School. (you're my boy, blue)
  7. The Green Mile.
  8. Legends of The Fall.
  9. Seven.
  10. Philadephia.

Dream of my own.

Listening to : You're Beautiful by James Blunt

This is crazy. As I was abt to hit the sack, thrown into slumber...BANG!! Muse struck me. I got up and out of bed and started doodling on a piece of paper. Occasions like this does not happen very often. I've got the concept down for my latest project for Love Me Butch's new video. Prior to that I was on the phone (via Skype that is) with Abe, discussing/bitching about girls and how they suck (no pun intended) and also brainstorming ideas for that particular video. And he managed to come up with a viable concept which is quite brilliant I must say. But I managed to come up with something more twisted. ANd it has 2 versions. The 2nd version has a public service reminder msg which I think is a bit tacky but really dark at the same time. Nevertheless it's still twisted. However the first version is more up to my preference. It's really dark ala Korn's Freak on A Leash with a bit more twist towards the end. Sends shivers down me timbers...hahah.a..ok.. I'm gone.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Back To You.

Here are some of the still images and snippets from the Back To You video. Enjoy fools!

One of the road trippin' scene.

Ipeng' merenung ke arah ruang kosong scene.

That's me, in character..haha..

The flashback scene wit Abe and Fera.

The cast looking bored..

Fera's manja scene..hahahaha

Till Death Do Us Part.

I would like to share something deep today. As I was taking a dump (with a reading material of course), I came across this intriguing article about the four letter word, LOVE. This article was written 2 years ago by a guest writer for FACES magazine, issue May 2003, Sulin C. It was entitled Till Death Do Us Part. It was based on her own personal experience. The whole story begins when her close friend plunged to her death from her apartment window. Whether she had taken her own life, been coerced into it by her boyfriend with whom she had been arguing prior to that according to the neigbours' accounts, or whether she had been pushed, god knows. The whole thing was clouded with uncertainty. Police investigations have ceased due to family discretion. More importantly, the boyfriend, the common friend of the writer's friend clammed up and gave nothing credible out of him since.

So months went by and life goes on. Slowly things are subsiding into silence. Yet wat was certain to anyone who knew them was that her death had something to do with each other. They had both expressed unhappiness in their relationship and there was that element of twistedness there that didn't seem present in any other parts of their lives. I've also had other friends whose relationships have culminated in one part of them running out of a moving car ( ehem, ehemm, you know who you are!), punching and slapping each other in public or both being on the verge of mutual demolition...well actually one. Anyhoo, such all-consuming anguish and despair creates a sort of hell for each other that I've not seen in lifelong vendettas, family feuds or anything for that matter... Is it because we place too much emphasis on relationships that, as Carrie Bradshaw says in Sex and the City, have become our modern religion? (well that's gay of me to be quoting Sarah J Parker.) Is it the myth of love that prescribes submission to a state of being that is all-providing and all-consuming? You would think that the only common sense and right thing to do in a destructive relationship is to leave. BUt many also believe in the redeeming power of love, as more evident in children's legend Beauty and the Beast. Beast is flawed and it is only the power of Belle's love, signified by the rose that wilts until consummation, that he is saved and turned human. I used to believe so untill shit happened. I guess I'm just doomed to a life of solitude. Sigh...What do u think?

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

How to be a holy cow...

I just got back from a late night supper with Fairul. It's not one of those ordinary yum-cha session we usually have but this time it's a bit more fruitful. We reviewed over how the music videos in Malaysia has improved in the last couple of years and how to breakthrough within the industry. We thought about how do we get our music videos to be broadcasted. It's one thing to create an excellent video, but to establish a name in the industry that's a whole different story. See, I have this dream of becoming a super-famous director. But in order to do that, you need to establish contacts. In my case, I have none. Plus I lack the skills and tools needed to become one. However, I'm starting from scratch again.

The most recent project (it's for fucks tho) is finishing the Back to You video which yours truly is 100% involved in from producing, directing, acting and even up to editing it. Well with the assist of Adam's editing suite, I'm sure it'll be awesome. It's a huge task and I'm not getting paid doing it, but hell that's passion for you.

This is how I look when the light bulb's on

Anyway, back to the conversation I had with Fairul. In the midst of our very interesting discussion, Fairul came up with the idea of directing a music video for Love Me Butch. Since the vocalist is a friend of his and they're coming up with a brand new single, hell why not pitch some of our ideas to them. Besides I'm still unemployed and I do have a wholelotta free time in my hands. So there we were, brainstorming our way through the concept and ideas for the video. I'm hoping for it to turn out like the Radiohead video "Just". It's a feasible idea I tell ya'. Fuck it's gonna be great! And who knows from there, I might even come out with a script for a short film I have in mind. Insya-Allah. I can already envisage it. Ipeng, I want you to be my leading man, that's for sure. Kalau Abe ade sure lagi gempak! Tapi abe jadi crook la... MuahAhaHa (evil laugh)!!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Oh! Sweet grandmother's spatula!

Today's a bad day. My astro's down. The decoder's dead and I'm dead bored. So hoorah for the invention of the internet. You are all I've got! d'oh!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

An open letter to my beloved colleagues.

As most of you are aware, I am no longer part of the HSBC Data Processing family. I have resigned for about almost 8 months for some unforeseen circumstances which have led to my abrupt decision. I know I owe you (fellow Vikings) an explanation, but it was just something I had to do and had to deal with. And for that, I deeply apologize.

You guys are the best team and the best people I've worked with. This goes out especially to Vicky, Phajneek, Sharan, Ragu and Kash. I love you guys to bits. I'm really blessed to be given the opportunity to know all of you. I really couldn't fathom how we became tight, but I consider you my family. Thank you so much for being there through my precarious moments.

To Vicky, you are the man la macha! The first ever guy who came over to me and said "Dey macha, you from this group ah?"( with his thick indian accent). Freaking hilarious bastard! I must say a good way to break the ice on our first day. We share a lot of laughs and jokes together..especially them dirty ones. We were a riot! Our most favourite phrase would be "you are the most fucked up human being i've ever come across with". yeah,.. you guys probably don't get it...but it's our personal humour. so fuck yall!

The ever so lovely and lanky Phajneek Kaur...you are a sight for sore eyes. If only you weren't 5'11 and so bloody tall, and I wasn't so fucking short, I would have definitely date you girl.!! She is so fine I swear to god most of the bai fellas are so envious of me every single time I walk next to her ( tho its an awkward view) or even talk to her. And did I mention she is also a part-time model? Yeap guys, she is. She's also an aspiring lawyer, as soon as she pass her bar exams. And to top it all, the most sweetest creature and the most coolest girl I have ever gotten to know. Phajneek, you're a gem.

To Sharan, you are like a sister I never had. The most understanding, cool, audacious and happening 32 going to be 33 year old women (don't think I dunno ur age ah?, I saw ur IC la sista) with 2 kids I have ever met. And she's still HOT by the way. My resource for the latest bollywood gossips and what not. This women is so very cool, I can even go clubbing with her (as long as it is cool wit you Mr. Bal) alone. Would love to meet your husband and kids one day.

And last but definitely not the least, Ragu and Kash. One macha and one bai. One's a Liverpudian? and the other a Gunner. Ragu the playa' and Kash the sweet-talker. Both also scandal with our UK trainers.hehehe...Blackman rules la macha! Nonetheless, they are the best advisors when it comes to women trouble. By the way, I'd like to extend my congratulations to Ragu for being promoted as a Mentor. I know you have the potential from day 1. Coz u talk cock la fucker. But I still got much love for u nigga!

I guess that sums it up. To the gang, I love ya'll with absolutely no equivocations. Let's do lunch one day.

Saturday, September 10, 2005


Uhuh..u read it rite..i, Faidz, have started my own blog. I have finally conformed and now here I am. After numerous attempts of circumventing, I have succumbed. cam sial... It's not that i have anything against blogging, but to me it just doesn't feel right airing your dirty laundry..or even clean ones to the public. Don't get me wrong, I love reading blogs, in fact I'm kinda addicted to it. But I dunno...it's probably coz i have nothing much to say and tell, so that's why I'm against creating one. My life is that DULL I tell ya'.

So, here I am. Hoping for encountering exciting journeys to happen along the way.

Enjoy my word vomit.