Sunday, November 27, 2005

Pulau Ketam and beyond.

I just got back frm Pulau Ketam. That was my first time ever there... Phajneek, Sharan and John decided to be adventurous this time. So I drove all the way to Port Klang (and it was my first time there mind you) all by myself and met up wit the gang. Phajneek was so helpful wit the directions that she got me to Northport instead of southport. took me almost an hour to reach there. Reached there by 3 and the four of us took a ferry to Pulau Ketam. Tho it was a 30mins ride, I swear to god it was the dodgiest ferry ride ive been on. It was fucking hot and the ride had me sea-sick. I never get sea-sick like ever. Plus it was cramped and filled wit chinese. and u know how they smell...wont get into details.

I swear to god as i stepped foot on the island i felt like i was in a whole different country. They dun have cars, their mode of transportation is bicycle.and an electric motorcycle. And population : CHINESE. They dun even speak bm or english. Luckily John was there, he was our translator. they do have a balai islam there, but it was shut down. locked. It was completely a fisherman's village. the houses there are quite modern for a fisherman's house but one thing i noticed is that they dun own furnitures. they do have tv sets and even astro, but no sofa's or coffee tables. weird. But we got wat we came for. The FINE seafood. It was cheap and also considerably yummy. Anyway it wasnt the seafood i was there for, but the company of 2 lovely ladies Phajneek and Sharan. Thank you ladies, ur effort was much appreciated.

*entered a futsal tournament yesterday. kalah 3 game straight. cam haram. but i did say hi to sazzy and took a photo wit her and ashraf sinclair. I'll upload it later.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Thinking about walking with u by the evergreens...

Yes indeed I'm alone again
and here comes emptiness crashing in
it's either love or hate
I can't find in between
cause I've been with witches
and I have been with a queen

it wouldn't have worked out any way
so for now it's just another lonely day hey hey
further along we just may
but for now it's just another lonely day

wish there was something I could say or do
I can resist anything but the temptation from you
but I'd rather walk alone than chase you around
I would rather fall myself than let you drag me on down

it wouldn't have worked out any way
so for now it's just another lonely day hey hey
further along we just may
but for now it's just another lonely day

yesterday seems like a life ago
cause the one I love today I hardly know
you I held so close in my heart oh dear
grow further from me with every falling tear

it wouldn't have worked out any way
so for now it's just another lonely day,hey hey
further along we just may, ay ay
but for now it's just another lonely day

*taken from Ben Harper's Another Lonely Day.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

This is a tribute.


A man of many talents.

Last nite was da bomb. Caught the stand-up comedy of Afdlin Shauki at the Actors Studio Bangsar with Azree, Suhana and a couple of her friends. It was fucking hilarious I kid u not. I laughed my ass off through out the whole show so hard i think i peed a lil. The jokes were spot on. It wasnt only his jokes but the way he said it. The way he manipulates and creates clever euphemisms and how he integrated them with our culture and style awed me in 10 different ways.

He brought up some great and interesting issues. Like the Mawi frenzy, Siti Nurhaliza and Datuk K (Datuk K?..hmmmmm...), about his size, the Lord of the Rings audition he went to, how he's lucky to be married to his wife (it was fucking sweet), the Malaysian film industry and "The guide to creating a malay movie", the 'Janji Melayu' culture that we should promote to the world as our identity and many other current issues. He also coalesced his jokes with an acoustic performance which he altered the lyrics to some of Malaysia's classic hit songs accompanied by his guitarist Pacai. And the formula worked. It really complemented his jokes. For the closing, he asked the audience to suggest any topic, and make an improv of the topics suggested into a song. That was astonishing.

What astounded me the most is the fact that he did a straight 2 and half hour show with no intermission or even a sip of water in between. Fantastic innit? He is definitely the ultimate stand-up comic in Malaysia. Cant wait for his performance for the Baik Punya Cilok showcase in Planet Hollywood next sunday and the upcoming Actorlympics ( sort of like Whose Line Issit Anyway? feat. Malaysia's finest stand-up comics) in December. I highly recommend u go watch it.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Horror with eyeballs.

I got myself The Machinist dvd recently, only due to the fact that Christian Bale (the Batman Begins actor) has gone anorexic for this movie. And yes ppl, he's a freak of nature in this one. I dunno how he manage to lose that much of weight and gained it back to his full muscular self. Anyway, i must give The Machinist two thumbs up. If ure into dark thrillers with twisted endings, I highly recommend u get a copy of The Machinist dvd. The disconcerting plot and the beautifuly shot cinematography makes this movie worth watching. It's like watching a Hitchcock movie. Dark, abstruse and very enigmatic. Kudos to the brilliant acting of Christian Bale. No wonder he has won numerous awards from independent film festivals. I think he should at least earn a nomination in the Oscars. For anyone who could lose close to a hundred pounds just for a movie deserves an Oscar, i can tell u that!

Hush, pay close attention.

Another personality test based on color psychologists around the world. Quite interesting i must say. Check out my restrained characteristics. funny.

faidz's Existing Situation
Authoritative or in a position of authority, but liable to feel that further progress is rendered problematical by existing difficulties. Perseveres despite opposition.

faidz's Stress Sources
Wants to overcome a feeling of emptiness and to bridge the gap which he feels separates himself from others. Anxious to experience life in all its aspects, to explore all its possibilities, and to live it to the fullest. He therefore resents any restriction or limitation being imposed on him and insists on being free and unhampered.

faidz's Restrained Characteristics
Able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity but restless and inclined to be emotionally withdrawn, which prevents him from becoming deeply involved.

faidz's Desired Objective
Over-imaginative and given to fantasy or day-dreaming. Longs for interesting and exciting things to happen and wants to be admired for him charm.

faidz's Actual Problem
Feels restricted and prevented from progressing; seeking a solution which will remove these limitations.

faidz's Actual Problem #2
The fear that he may be prevented from achieving the things he wants leads him into a relentless search for satisfaction in the pursuit of illusory or meaningless activities.

Take the Colorquiz yourself right now.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Day 3 and so forth.

A lot of things happened these past few days. My grandma passed away last saturday nite which was on the 3rd of syawal. She died due to some breathing complications which turned into a heart-attack. She died on the way to the hospital. She was 68. Al-Fatihah.

Sunday morning we (my sis and I) took the earliest flight to Kota Bharu. My parents were already there the night before as they planned to celebrate their 3rd raya wit my grandma. Unfortunately, she died whilst they were still on the plane. As they touched down, my uncle called and broke the news. My dad didnt get the oppurtunity to celebrate raya wit his mother for the last time.

Returned to KL on Monday night.

On the brighter side of things, I started my first day at my new job today. Got there around 9am, waited for a couple of hours for the boss to come in. The boss came in, introduced me to the staff, and right after lunch i was swamped with workloads. gosh..they didnt give me a chance. I reached home at abt 7.30pm on my first day. And tomoro, I have a meeting in Hartamas with this IT guy to describe how the company's website should look like. I've also been given a magazine (with 80 pages front and back!) to design starting next week and publish by the end of this month. That's a whole load of responsibility to shoulder, and I'm fucking rusty with my design applications. Oh did I tell ya' I have to familliarize myself wit a Mac? It's like operating a new gadget for a first time minus the manual-reading. It's fucking stressful I kid u not. I'm quite ambivalent wit this new job. Don't get me wrong, I love the challenge, my new colleagues, I'm cool with them, but the environment I'm so not feeling it yet. Plus the parking charges are exorbitant. dahla tempat dodgy gile...But I guess I'm up for a challenge. Be rest assured I will try my best. Give me at least a month. It's 1.30am and I'm sleepy. WOW!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

To err is human.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Dan Maaf Zahir Batin to everyone. I'd like to extend my deepest apologies to every single soul I've offended. Honest to god.

To Abe, Mary, Tody, Joe (kalau celebrate la), have a wonderful eid in the states. And Abe, tho there are a few minor setbacks in ur life, trust me brother, YOU will make it one day. I just have that instinct. You're destined to do great things, and I have faith in you. To Fera in London, I hope you're feeling better and stronger during this raya. I know this is the toughest time for you celebrating alone there, but I do pray for ur happiness and solace. Ipeng in Sabah, 'akuk mintak mahap pada dikau dgn lawak2 sabah', I know it can get irritating sometimes but I just had to do it. Good luck with your new job in Bintulu and I pray for great things to happen to you. You're full of potential, and I'm sure you'll succeed in the future. Sung, sorry for the times I made u play goalie. Reflex kau power doh...I'll be seeing u every Sunday, so make sure bawak bekal biskut raya...

To Hazli in Galway, Ireland, I pray for your success with your bullshit medicine mumbo-jumbo. I think you'll be a great doctor, honestly I do. Have a happy raya and hope to see you next summer. My buddy Azam in Perth, tho we're far apart, your presence was never absent in my heart. Have a great eid' with your fiance' Wawa. To Liyana, I sincerely apologize for the trouble and pain I've caused you. I mean no harm. Ppl make mistakes, and I know Ive done plenty of those to you. I take full blame for everything. I really wish we could be friends again. I truly am sorry.

To the boys Azree, Man, Faizal, Zil, Aizham + Eda, Karok and Fadzlee, mintak ampun dan maaf bebanyak. I got nuthing but love for ya'll. you know that. Marilah sama2 kiter open house hopping together-gether this raya. Adam, sorry for all the hassle I've caused you during our school years rite to our university days and sampai dah tua skang... Kau la aku paling banyak susahkan dlm ramai2 kawan. You've been there for me and I'm filled with gratitude for your sincere help. My DU clicks, aku jumpa korang kat masjid time semayang raya, nanti kiter bermaaf-maafan di sana, yea.

Well I hope I didn't leave anyone out. If I did, blame the mind not the heart. Consider this my virtual card Raya coz I sure hell ain't getting each and one of you one.