Wednesday, November 02, 2005

To err is human.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri Dan Maaf Zahir Batin to everyone. I'd like to extend my deepest apologies to every single soul I've offended. Honest to god.

To Abe, Mary, Tody, Joe (kalau celebrate la), have a wonderful eid in the states. And Abe, tho there are a few minor setbacks in ur life, trust me brother, YOU will make it one day. I just have that instinct. You're destined to do great things, and I have faith in you. To Fera in London, I hope you're feeling better and stronger during this raya. I know this is the toughest time for you celebrating alone there, but I do pray for ur happiness and solace. Ipeng in Sabah, 'akuk mintak mahap pada dikau dgn lawak2 sabah', I know it can get irritating sometimes but I just had to do it. Good luck with your new job in Bintulu and I pray for great things to happen to you. You're full of potential, and I'm sure you'll succeed in the future. Sung, sorry for the times I made u play goalie. Reflex kau power doh...I'll be seeing u every Sunday, so make sure bawak bekal biskut raya...

To Hazli in Galway, Ireland, I pray for your success with your bullshit medicine mumbo-jumbo. I think you'll be a great doctor, honestly I do. Have a happy raya and hope to see you next summer. My buddy Azam in Perth, tho we're far apart, your presence was never absent in my heart. Have a great eid' with your fiance' Wawa. To Liyana, I sincerely apologize for the trouble and pain I've caused you. I mean no harm. Ppl make mistakes, and I know Ive done plenty of those to you. I take full blame for everything. I really wish we could be friends again. I truly am sorry.

To the boys Azree, Man, Faizal, Zil, Aizham + Eda, Karok and Fadzlee, mintak ampun dan maaf bebanyak. I got nuthing but love for ya'll. you know that. Marilah sama2 kiter open house hopping together-gether this raya. Adam, sorry for all the hassle I've caused you during our school years rite to our university days and sampai dah tua skang... Kau la aku paling banyak susahkan dlm ramai2 kawan. You've been there for me and I'm filled with gratitude for your sincere help. My DU clicks, aku jumpa korang kat masjid time semayang raya, nanti kiter bermaaf-maafan di sana, yea.

Well I hope I didn't leave anyone out. If I did, blame the mind not the heart. Consider this my virtual card Raya coz I sure hell ain't getting each and one of you one.


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