Saturday, January 28, 2006

Quarter-Life Crisis.

This week has been an eventful week for me. And the cool part about it is that it was unplanned. All was done out of spontaneity, and if u guys know me really well, spontaneity is not my cup of tea. I prefer things planned and well organized beforehand. But lately, ive discovered a new zest in life by doing random things, and just being spontaneous. I guess doing the opposite of wat ive accustomed to and exploring new things has really changed my life for the better. Not only that, it has also made me a lot happier than ive ever been in my entire life. Honest. This is going to be a long entry, so bear with me.

Let's start wit the Mocca acoustic set in La Bodega. I got back frm work, feeling a lil' tired and Nono msged me on Msn. I was abt to decline due to malasness, but decided to go instead despite my fatigueness. And i was also told there will be tons of 'anak ayam' and plus its an indo-band. Chix dig indo-band and they arent too shabby i must say. So wat the heck. And im so glad that i went coz the band rocks. Mocca has a female vocalist, which is also very cute (a definite added bonus) whose voice sounds like an angel. The music they play sounds very ol'skoolish and Carpenter-esque. I highly recommend u Mocca. Get their cd.

Last night was another Hard Rocking nite, and i mean literally HARD ROCK! Along wit Ipeng, Lili and her awesomely-sexy-hot-soft-spoken sister Mimi, it was surely a night to remember. Hard Rock Cafe totally rocked wit the house band. I forgot the band's name tho..but they freaking rock (thats a lot of rock in a sentence). They played awesomely brilliant covers such as The Killers, MCR, Muse, Green Day, System of A Down, Fallout Boy, Korn, Franz Ferdinand, Van Halen,, Limp Bizkit and many other rocking (there u go again) bands. They even slipped in Ashlee Simpson and a No Doubt cover or 2. And the drummer was totally out of this world! He played for an hour non-stop without any breaks in-between songs. Just continued all the way thru-out the set. And he did the same for the 2nd set. Totally undeservedly punished his kit. Mad skillz i tell ya'.. As usual Ipeng and I were like possesed by the Demons of Rock. We sang our hearts out, jumped as if we were reaching for the stars, and headbanged like we were high on speed. I swear the crowd thought we were drunk or high on sumthing. And i swear sumone spiked my drink. Anyhoo, by the end of the night, we were drenched in our sweat and lost our voices. Nevertheless we came out unscathed.

Earlier today however was another memorable moment in my life. After having lunch wit Viren and Adam at Kayu (our official lepak spot), we decided to take an evening drive by the lonely highways of LDP on the eve of CNY. As i was driving, we were reminiscing the past during our highschool days and how we were then and who have we become today and u know, the usual. Whilst reminiscing, we happen to pass by our old yet NEW highschool. And again, at the spur of the moment, i parked my car at the roadside and we decided to take a stroll down memory lane.

It felt so weird but nonetheless so 'at-home'. This was the first time we step foot in SMDU since we got our SPM results, and that was like 7 years back. Everything certainly has changed and the changes were simply amazing, with the new block next to our school field (it used to be the bilik KH which was burnt down last time courtesy of fellow seniors) to the new surau that is adjacent to the school hall. There are many more 'tamans' and chill out spots in every single corner of the school. Our form 4 classroom was transformed into a 'bilik jahitan' and they even added another class called Cendana. The black-boards is replaced by whiteboards. They have a Bilik Multimedia now which used to be the surau then. The toilets are definitely wayyyy cleaner than it used to be. Plus there's no shit lying around the floor no more. Sadly the football field has ceased to exist and the 'Mushroom' unfortunately, is no longer there.

Having witness all of the changes, it made us ponder for a moment wat our lives used to be. The simpler life. Where we have no single doubt or worry tralalalala... when our lives were carefree. The only thinking we did was planning our ambitions and how much money will make in the next 10 years. Back then, we dreaded school. With the constant class-cutting, and the lack of focus in class to the ever so painful experience of being bullied (it only happened to me tho). We couldnt wait to leave school, to withdraw from adolescence and begin adulthood. But as we sat in front of our school hall, we realised that school was the best memory we shared and had. Its not just merely an instituition of education per se, its a place where kids learn to socialize. The beginning of sumthing, where trust and friendship is bonded and first loves initiated. Its where boys and girls from different races and social status are treated as equals (this only applies to coed public schools). It is also where we make tons of mistakes and keep repeating the same ones over and over. However by the end of the day, lesson learnt.

Here we are now all grown up and facing quarter-life crisis. There was definitely a moment where the 3 of us went blank and just stared into empty spaces. 7 years seems ages ago.

We made a pack to come back here in our 30's. And im gonna make sure we stick to it.


Blogger ultimatecass said...

OMG!! Mocca was in KL?? Damn!!

7:01 PM  

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