Thursday, February 09, 2006

Let's talk about love baby.

"So Faidz, seeing anyone lately?"
"Takde any new prospect ke dude?"
"Man..dont u feel lonely?"

I've been frequently asked this kinda questions this of late. Be it from the close to the not-so-close friends, they keep asking the same thing. My answer would always be "Ntahlar...i'm just happy being single".Period. And honestly I really am. I mean Ive acquainted with quite a few girls this past year, gone out wit a couple of 'em but somehow it never blossomed to sumthing else. Numbers and pecks exchanged, but thats it. Mainly because A - i feel no sparks watsoever and 2 - relationship scares the living shit out of me.

Most of my friends say I'm picky when it comes to girls, and YES its true. I agree totally. But let me point out to u that EVERY single guy is picky. Im not asking for Angelina Jolie or Jessica Alba (well no complains if i did) but sumone wit a killer personality. Sumone who i can click instantly who laughs at my lame ass jokes and who Im physically attracted to. Sumone who i can share my personal thoughts with and who i can confide to whenever. If im going to be wit sumone, I wanna make sure that it'll last forever. The one who accepts my 'buruk n baik', ya know wat i mean. Thats not too much to ask. But that's besides the point really. The fact of the matter is I'm content with the way things are now. Why shouldnt I be? I have tons of time to myself, I dun have to report every single time i go out, i dun have to worry abt my significant other's well being, I save money on presents, anniversaries, VALENTINES, birthdays and buying dinner, I get to casual date, im free to see whom ever i pls, and most importantly i am more focus now than ive ever been. I hafta admit it gets lonely at times but im getting the hang of it. It aint that bad when u have great company around u.

Right now, what's important to me is my career and to finally be stable. I had a serious and interesting conversation with a friend recently, a lady friend, and it finally dawned on me. Women need security. I mean it has occured to me before, i just didnt realize it until i experienced the harsh reality that slapped me in the face big time. Being dirt poor like myself didnt actually help me in relationships. As much as some of u might disagree, money is a big factor. Its like a holding glue to relationships. Coz u know relationships arent self-adhesive(wtf?). In other words, "if u aint got the dough, ure out that door". (Pretty cool huh..i just made that up.) Effort is another holding factor, but effort and money they come in pairs. With effort comes money. Theyre practically symbiotic. Im just sounding gibberish now aint i? I guess wat im trying to state here is that if u feel the need to commit, make sure ure ready mind,body,soul n most importantly pocket. (i speak on behalf of my boys at the Poor Lonely Fudgers Association)

In the mean time whilst i gather my fortune, i guess i'll just stick to the safest option possible and do what i do best. Flying solo.


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