Saturday, October 29, 2005

Gravity can pull me from this height.

I got myself a job ppl. As of the 9th November 2005, yours truly will commence duty as a graphic designer for a small publication company called MMP Communications. I will be designing the lay out and content for 3 of their magazines and some photography work. Guess wat kind of magazines they publish? DAKWAH. uhuh..well not the Harakah or Al-Islam kinda dakwah magazine but modernize dakwah. And it is in English. In a way, I'll be part of the dakwah. dptla jugak pahala..Alhamdullillah. The main objective is to point out the success of Muslims in Malaysia, not just Malays in particular. However the most bizzare fact is that my new boss is Johan's dad, Sani. hahaha..ingat dulu zaman2 skolah kutuk nama bapak...we used to sing Kopratasa's Masihkah Kau Ingat in the surau while Joe's praying just to kacau him. FYI u ignorant Malaysians out there, Kopratasa's lead singer's name is Sani Sudin. Hence the song. But I plan to work there til end of February. Coz by 23rd March '06, I'm off to Langkawi for a year plus to learn to fly. Oh yeah peeps, left that out to. Sorry.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Joget Babo Joget..Ewah..!!

I think I've witnessed the strangest and funniest sight this week. Last night around 9-ish, I was switching thru channels and stopped at channel 4 astro (RIA). There was this programme going on called Beat TV and it was showing the segment where the AF students performed for some majlis berbuka puasa at some hotel. From there on they were showing the performance of the AF kids and they invited a couple of fans to join them onstage... yada..yada..yada...then the camera focused on a very familliar figure doing the joget with Akma... I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Babo aka En.Hatim aka bapak Abe. Kemain lagi dengan baju melayu full set minus the songkok. He owns man, totally!! Abe, bapak kau sporting gila sial... it wasnt just the malu-malu kucingnye joget, it was the org-tua-gatal-wit-the-lidah-terjelir joget. Siap joget full circle around Akma tuh tak tahan... hehehe.. He is by far the coolest dad ever!! and the camera loves him.. trhey kept on focusing on Babo not the AF stars... i love your dad, he's just crazy I tell ya'... Ewah..!!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Son of a witch.

I recently did a personality test. Some of it is soooo ME, I swear a witch was behind all this. I can just picture it, a greenfaced-long-pointy-nosed-with-a-distinctive-mole-and-a-pointy-hat old lady behind a computer typing vigourously and pausing to let out a sinister laugh once in a while. Did I just describe my senile grandaunt?

Your view on yourself:

You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love:

Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education

Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:

You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.

How do you view success:

You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of:

You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

Who is your true self:

You like privacy very much because you enjoy spending time with your own thoughts. You like to disappear when you cannot find solutions to your own problems, but you would feel better if you learned to share your thoughts with a person you trust.

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Last night was quite a night. When I say 'quite a night' it usually means that I actually did something rather than sit at home and watch the idiot box while munching on koko crunch. After a lovely dinner at home, Viren called me up.He was on his break, so we decided to have a drink at Kayu with Adam. Caught the Man Utd vs Spurs and Arsenal vs Man City game simultaneuosly, how cool was that. If u havent been to Kayu Nasi Kandar in SS2, let me describe it for you. It has 4 plasma screens and 2-3 normal flatscreen TV. And also 2 decoders. HEBAT! Anyway, the game ended wit a draw. Fucking Jenas scored a lovely placed top corner freekick. There goes the championship this season. Plus with chelsea's winning streak, mmg takder harapan. Anyhoo, later that night we had a jamming session. It was with Fairul, Ez and Dan. Played some indon covers and a devastating cover of Fall Out Boy's Sugar We're Going Down. I filled in as the vocalist. cheh..rasa cam rockstar la plak... sigh..I miss Foolhardy. We're not that good of a band, but the 'camaraderie was still a pleasant surprise'. The fact the we gelled together not only as bestfriends, but as band members, couldnt get any better. I despise growing up...

Well to kill time, i nicked this from Izan's (she doesnt know me, but I'm an avid reader of her blog)

7 Things I Plan To Do Before I Die: (nih dah buat nih)

» Produce, write, direct and act in a feature film.
» Make a full-length album with Foolhardy and tour with the band.
» Open the Charbenic Soul Cafe.
» Learn how to swim.
» Catch a Manchester United game live at Old Trafford.
» Be Brooke Burke's fuck-buddy.
» Taubat. Then baru buat haji..

7 Things I Can Do:
» I can make a triple roll with my tongue...its wat I call the Triple Loopy Special..(only for the ladies)
» I used to play the guitar lefthanded..but thought it was the wrong way to play then switched to right
» moonwalk effortlessly...
» bicycle a dodgy kinda way..
» Drove/ride a chopper...yeap, I may have short legs, but ive manoeuvred a chopper.. a HARLEY DAVIDSON I might add...and when I was 10..
» Freestyle pantun. a rhymeless freestyle pantun...ask Ipeng and Abe..
» Do an impersonation of Eddie Vedder having a fit in the midst of singing "Last Kiss"...

7 Things I Cannot Do:
» Swim..thats on my 'to-do' list...
» I cant stand watching a badminton game and F1 race...I find it stupid, for no absolute reason.
» I cant cook for nuts..
» I cant have pets..I'm just not an animal lover..
» I cant seem to go to sleep before system's whacked
» Cursive handwriting. It's dumb i tell ya..
» Freestyle pantun. A rhymed freestyle pantun.

7 celebrity crushes:
» Brooke Burke
» Teri Hatcher (the lois n clark era)
» Jessica Alba
» Sarah Tan
» Suzanne Eyton
» Maria Sharapova
» Alicia Keys..

7 often repeated words/phrases:
» tuhla pasal...
» dudddeee...
» serious shit?
» fudgeeee...
» holy crap!
» cam sial..
» cool macha cool...

7 things that attract me to the opposite sex:
» Articulate!
» Personality.
» Killer body..yeap...a killer rack and a stinging ass.(im a man aint i)
» Independent..not the clingy sort..
» A great sense of humor
» Excellent taste in music...(RnB Soul preferably)
» Must converse well in English..writing i dun really care but is a bonus (cam nak apply ker ja la plak)
» Drop-dead gorgeous..(if u meet the above requirements, pleasant looking pun jadi la)

Friday, October 21, 2005


Did u really leave me again?

After all the seasons i spent waiting
watching out the window
listening at the door
waiting for the news of your return
For the news that u realise that someone important is waiting for you
A whole lifetime I've been waiting
I cant believe ure not coming back
I cant believe im suppose to stop waiting
I cant believe u left me again

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Condolences to Pak Lah and his family. May Allah Bless Datin Seri Hendon Mahmood's soul.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

It had to be done.

An uncanny similarity.

p/s : Abe, i'm so sorry.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Just got back from sending Ipeng at KL Central. I had to wake up like wayyy early just to make sure he doesn't miss his flight AGAIN..hehehe...well actually it was 10.30am..hey wat can I do..I sleep during the day! Anyway, tried to get sum shut eye but the fucking racket my next door neighbour's making is really pissing me off. They've been drilling since 9am, wat the hell! I cant even watch my fourth season of Scrubs peacefully. Bloody chinks..

Back to the Ipeng story, the past week has been a blast! It was a hell of a week, with the berbuka puasa sessions, the pasar ramadhan tour, the uptown market tour and the Scrubs and Family Guy marathon. And not forgetting the bitching sessions! Ahh..bliss..hehehe..I think Ipeng had a REALLY great time here. He'd better!! I introduced him to Lily my high school friend who coincidently is from Sabah as well. All hell breaks loose when they start talking..with their gibberish Sabahan dialect and all...all I heard was "bah.. , sumpit.. , pokok kelapak.., and how it was tough raising monkeys and yada yada yada"...well sumthing along that line.. hahaha..and yes..the constant flirting between those two was nauseating! He is sooo into her..ngaku je la Peng! You're in denial! Siap buat date lagi tuh time raya...tak gitu peng? bertukar2 testimonial lagi...Ewwah!! See, I told ya' I was gonna make it up to you for the Rexona thingy!!

Oh I forgot to mention the dinner we had at San Francisco Steakhouse. Everyone was there, Azree, Faizal, Man, Fadzlee, Eda, Aizham, Zil, Karok, Kamal and Alia. Oh and Eda's friend Shikin..*wink*wink*...hehe.. The berbuka puasa buffet was short of amazing but good nonetheless. It was worth the 45 bucks plus I ate like a gluttonous pig. The lamb and the potato salad was so sedap I think I made 3 rounds just for that. And right after dinner we had our bowling tournament between Manchester United Supporters versus the rest of the world. And yesss...we kicked their ass!! Azree was on fire, so was I, and amazingly our captain marvel Kamal. ALia on the other hand was a surprise bonus to the team. she kicked serious ass!! Shouldve seen our celebrations. I slid, moonwalked and did the robot. It was a riot..we always were when we bowl. check out the pics..

"we're Italianos..where's-ah our food-ah."

the DJ boys. L-R : Man, Lee, Fai, Karok

The Gang.

He shoots, he strikes, he Scores!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Back by popular demand.

How's it going peeps! It's been awhile since i last blogged. As some of u might know, Ipeng's in KL now and has been for the past week. So I've been pretty busy. I'll definitely update u with "The Perilous Adventures Of Faidz and Ipeng" once he's gone. I know u miss my genius!

Friday, October 07, 2005


Yesterday was an interesting day. It was the 2nd day of puasa and Azree thought it wud great if we venture out for some kuih at the Tmn Tun pasar ramadhan. Well he wanted to get some kuih, I on the other hand just wanted to wash-eye (cuci mata in direct translation). So there we were browsing thru stalls and walking along catching the delectable aroma of ayam percik and what not. And there she was, walking with her girl friend. No, I didn't bump into my ex but it was Suzanne Eyton. Most of you might not know who she is but she's a model, and a very beautiful model she is. Suzanne is the stunning product of a Malay and Scottish parentage. The first time I laid eyes on her was when she made the cover of Newman magazine. I mean no biggie if I bumped into her once, but 4 times, come on!!..I swear to god she's stalking me. Here's the chronology of our meetings :

  1. It was my last day of Salsa class, she however just enrolled herself.
  2. I was leaving the Chicken Rice Shop in One Utama, she and her group of friends walked in.
  3. I was jogging at the Kiara park, she and her friend passed by the opposite direction.
  4. Pasar Ramadhan.
I mean talk abt coincidence. Our paths crossed so many times I'm beginning to think that god is trying to tell me something...she might be IT..hahaha...macam Serendipity lak...I know I sound like a loser, probably coz I am. Well just wanna share sumthing random and pointless with ya'll. Well here's a pic of her that I Googled...yes I'm pathetic. I do have plenty of free time ya know!

Suzanne's on the far right

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Never trust your bestfriend.


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Heavenly creatures..

I swear to god I'm turning into a girl each day. Recently I've been hanging out wit my aunt, chilling out wit my sisters, and shopping with my mom. And lately Ive been watching a lot of chick flicks and started to cry when a touching scene ends. I even cried watching One Tree Hill, even worse Scrubs. It's a comedy for god's sake. You might think I'm a whuss..maybe I am. shit...but hell, I am secure of my manhood. So what if a man cries while watching a chick flick. I'm man enough to admit it. So what if I wear pink. Hell I still look good wearing it. It just shows that I'm a sensitive's true girls..guys like me, we're one in a million..hahaha, gila promote diri!!

Anyhoo, today is Trisya's (my niece) 6th birthday. So I went to MPH in One Utama to get her a present. As I stepped into the building (giler dramatic), holy shitballs batman, chicks galore. From all walks of life, andddd.. they were not with their boyfriends. This was like my first time ever did i see many many beautiful ppl in a shopping mall. When I say frm all walks of life, I mean frm Malays, Indians, Chinese, Caucasians but no blacks sorry. And from teenage girls, to young adults, yuppies and MILFs...there was a swarm of honeys and slimmies, I thought Ive died and gone to heaven. Plus these beautiful ladies are walking with their equally hot and gorgeous friends. I was in awe. They were everywhere. MPH, Starbucks, Nike Shop even the bakery. What amused me most is that some of them are checking me out and grinned coquettishly, I swear to god. That's why I said AMUSED, sense the tone. And yet again I didnt Carpe Diem. I should've seized the moment but I'm just not like that. My balls aren't big enough to approach a HOT stranger at a shopping mall and ask her for her digits. But who cares, I flirted with her, I'm happy. I guess the attention I got was probably my aura today. I was really in a vibrant mood. Have no idea why, but everywhere I go I was superfriendly to everyone. I striked up a conversation with the cashier at MPH about puasa, I joked with a sales girl at the brand new NIKE store, I chatted up with this 50 sumthing corporate dude with a suit at Starbucks. I guess I was on a roll. And probably they (the beautiful ladies) were checking me out coz I was carrying an MPH bag, they were probably thinking, "Wow, cute and intellectual..WE LIKE !!", hahaha..

Speaking of puasa, tomorrow is the 1st of Ramadhan, and I'd like to wish everyone "SELAMAT BERPUASA".

* a funny thing happened in starbucks. A malay dude (melayu kapaknye) and his troops qued behind me and ask the cashier, "bang, sini ader teh tarik tak?" the cashier and I stared at each other for a brief moment. both of us are laughing our ass off in the inside.