Saturday, October 29, 2005

Gravity can pull me from this height.

I got myself a job ppl. As of the 9th November 2005, yours truly will commence duty as a graphic designer for a small publication company called MMP Communications. I will be designing the lay out and content for 3 of their magazines and some photography work. Guess wat kind of magazines they publish? DAKWAH. uhuh..well not the Harakah or Al-Islam kinda dakwah magazine but modernize dakwah. And it is in English. In a way, I'll be part of the dakwah. dptla jugak pahala..Alhamdullillah. The main objective is to point out the success of Muslims in Malaysia, not just Malays in particular. However the most bizzare fact is that my new boss is Johan's dad, Sani. hahaha..ingat dulu zaman2 skolah kutuk nama bapak...we used to sing Kopratasa's Masihkah Kau Ingat in the surau while Joe's praying just to kacau him. FYI u ignorant Malaysians out there, Kopratasa's lead singer's name is Sani Sudin. Hence the song. But I plan to work there til end of February. Coz by 23rd March '06, I'm off to Langkawi for a year plus to learn to fly. Oh yeah peeps, left that out to. Sorry.


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